CONTACT RTF COMPLIANCE Portable Appliance Testing and Fire Extinguisher Maintenance 5 Star reviewsBAFE QualifiedPATTA Recognised We Aim To Beat Any QuoteFree Site SurveyMultiple Sites Free Quotes24 Hour ResponseInsurance To Approved Standards INFO@RTFCOMPLIANCE.CO.UK 01245 201579 Chat With Now On WhatsApp Company Name *Type Of BusinessContact Name *Telephone *Email *PostcodeServicesPat TestingFire MaintenanceJust Like A ChatApproximate Number of Tests / Extinguisher's1-4041-100101-300301-500501-10001001-50005000 +Not Sure , Please Help.Are there any electrical appliances with 110v/16a/32a plugs? 110v (Yellow Adapter)16a (Blue Adapter)32a (Red Adapter)Do you have a specific month for testing to be conducted?JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberLet us know if you have any specific dates or time frames for the testing to be conducted?Have the appliances been tested before? If so, please provide the last test date.Comment or MessageDo you have any specific safety concerns regarding any appliances that we should be aware of? Are there any testing requirements or standards you need us to adhere to? Are there any appliances that might be difficult to access for testing? Is there any additional information you would like us to consider before conducting the PAT testing? If yes, please provide relevant details.{{{message}}}Submit{{{message}}}